First of Many More to Come

  Today is May 8, 2014. I have never written a blog entry until today. When I was a little girl I used to keep a daily journal. I used to write short stories. My emotions always flood the pages, whether it be with adventures or heartbreaks I always had something to write about. Now that I'm a little older, a bit smarter, and dear God I hope a smidgen wiser, I just want to open up these emotions to anyone willing to read! I want to give y'all a glimpse into my little world. I'm in my late 20's now and am nearing 30 so very quickly. I have so much I've done, places I've been, and people I have been so fortunate and unfortunate to meet. I by no means am a fantastic scholar of a writer though.  I will put commas where they're not needed. I'll make mistakes cause can we just face it already? We're humans. It happens! So please do your best not to judge when I jump from one thought to another in just a sentence. It's the A.D.D. I swear. 
  With all of this being said, I will try to post something at least once a month. More if I get bored enough. I want to let y'all in on pretty much all aspects of my life as a late 20 something. I will give you recipes that I try (cause let's face it, that's exciting as an adult now). I will tell you a little about the love of my life. Not too much though because I think keeping his identity blurry is important to him. I will give you some of my shopping finds for groceries and clothing. I love traveling and I intend to post pictures from my past travels and of the places I hope to visit someday and places I will be going soon. I will definitely share my story of moving away from everyone and everything I knew in Ohio to live the southern life in Tennessee. Not to mention one post will be my 30 Things To Do Before I'm 30 list (once it's complete). There will be more than that but for now I think you get the idea. 

  I want to tell you why I named my blog Shine @ 29. I am not 29. I am 27. I thought that in the last year of your 20's every person deserves to shine! Make it your year. I try to do that every year but I usually end up saying "Next year will be my year". Anyway, it's a positive spin on leaving your 20's for your 30's. Most people fear it. I do, but I'm hoping this blog is a way to help me remember how far I've come in my 20's and how much farther I'll go in my 30's. The same for all of you! 

  I appreciate you taking the time to read my first post ever and I really hope you come back for more. I'm so excited to share more with y'all! 

- Jillian :-)


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