30 Things to do Before I'm 30
Since I have 2 1/2 years before I'm 30. I'm giving myself a few goals. 30 to be exact. I was inspired by some other blogs I've read and decided I had things I wanted to do too and there's no better time than now to get them done! Now I want to share with y'all my 30 before 30 list. They're in no particular order...
1) Read one book every month for a year (8/12)
2) Payoff Chase credit card
3) Take a kickboxing class
4) Learn to knit/sew
5) Get promoted 2 times at work (1/2)
6) Visit 30 states (currently at 28/30)
7) Open a savings account
8) Go to 3 concerts (currently at 3/3) Go to 6 Concerts (0/6)
9) Use my passport (not for Canada)
10) Participate in 5 5ks (1/5)
11) Get a dog
12) Have a romantic weekend getaway
13) Donate blood 5 times
14) Decide officially if I want to go back to school for a bachelors degree
15) Visit the Chattanooga aquarium
16) Learn to play one whole song on the guitar
17) Go horseback riding
18) Exercise more (aka walk ha)
19) Go on vacation with a friend
20) Coupon more
21) Pay it forward
22) Quit drinking soda
23) Get another ear piercing And another ear piercing Ok, Maybe one more!
24) Find my perfect shade of lipstick (Red)
25) Have 30 blog posts (at minimum)
26) Visit NYC at Christmas time
27) Rent a cabin in the smokies
28) Go zip lining
29) Perform something for a crowd (Sang Karaoke at a local bar)
30) Fall completely in love with myself!
Here's my challenge for all you 20 something's reading this. Quit looking behind you and start looking to your future. Live in the moment, make a list of some things you'd like to do in the next few years. Maybe even make yourself a 30 before 30 list! If you get inspired enough to make your own 30 before 30 list send it to Shineat29@gmail.com so I can read what you would like to do! Don't forget you're only young once so make everything count!
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