Social Media Suicide
Blogs (Any and all)
I know there are more, however, I have all of those. They consume the majority of my time throughout the day. They say the average person now picks up their phone about 110-150 times per day! I'm guilty. I do it for more than the phone call, time check, or text message. If I wasn't out of state, away from all of my family and friends, I can tell you I would have already deactivated my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I enjoy Instagram though. I mean, if you're following along, I am a picture whore! Pinterest... Mercy! Okay, we'll get to that one...Skype is the best way I get to see my family when I want to and need to most. YouTube, a very creative site but I use it rarely. Clearly I use my blog site now. These forms of social media are what some people who don't use it call "Social media suicide". I have been informed that it's called that because it's suicide for your real life. Ya know, outside of the internet!
I started with Facebook back in 2005. Not long after it first began. Back when you had to have a college e-mail address to even be allowed to join up. Those were the days! The most important part of anything that you posted on your profile was your picture and your relationship status! I remember staying up just looking through all of the hundreds of bumper stickers that me and my friends would send back and forth to one another. I then was taken over to the dark side for a few MySpace... I mean, we got to rate, in order from 1-8, our top friends. That's pretty much all I remember of MySpace nowadays! After being social media-less for a few months, I was sucked back into Facebook. Ever since, I have been wasting as much of my time possible checking what so and so is posting on their status, like I really care! That's the sad part, I think. Knowing that I don't really care what most of the people on my Facebook are posting, and I can guarantee they feel the same about mine too. That's not to say I don't care about what people are saying and that people don't care about me. I'm just saying the majority of what we post is just to get a thought out of our minds or it's just nonsense. I feel over it, but it's addicting. I keep opening the app on my phone, my iPad, my computer.
Twitter, in my opinion is just a simple way to do nothing but post statuses all the time. You know how if you're THAT person posting a bunch of statuses in one day on Facebook, people find you annoying? Join up with Twitter! It's all you do, status, status, status. I enjoy it. I enjoy writing though, putting random thoughts out into the universe and seeing who picks them up!
Instagram is self explanatory. Download it and see for yourself.
Pinterest. Oh Lordy, okay, so, I was sucked into this one too. Mostly because I was told about the different recipes and I like to try new recipes and foods lately, that's for another post to come though. So I get started on this whole Pinterest thing right? I start 'pinning'. I'm pinning the cute outfit ideas, I'm pinning quotes that speak so loudly on a screen. I'm pinning food and drink recipes that there's a chance I may never host a dinner party for! The cutest nail designs that my hands aren't steady enough to paint! Then the kicker, at my age where all of my close friends are engaged, married and well on their way to baby number one if they don't already have it, I'm faced with all of these gorgeous looking wedding rings, gowns, decorations, and cakes. Really? You expect me to NOT have a board specifically for my wedding ideas. Poor guy that comes along in my life won't have to worry about planning! It's done. Thank you Pinterest! Then all the cute baby stuff, I mean come on, hi, baby fever. Burning up over here! Thanks for that Pinterest... And friends... And babies!
Skype has actually been quite wonderful for me since I've moved away. I've been able to see my family as often as I'd like through the click of a button. This is one form of technology or social media that I am very thankful for!
If you're watching a video online, more than likely, it's through YouTube. The problem is, some people waste hours of their time on YouTube just looking up viral videos that are of the dumbest nature. I will say that I have spent little time on this site but have watched some of the silliest videos ever! You know, ones like, Old Greg, Llamas in Hats, Beyoncé Clown, Drinking from Cups, and the always so popular, kitten videos! Eh, they give us something to laugh at right? Something to feel better about our lives for! Well at least that's how I feel about YouTube videos!
All of those social medias and it leads me to my latest obsession. The blogs. My blog. I have been reading other peoples blogs. Some interesting, some lacking, some not even existent anymore. I have been excited to post a new entry every few days or weeks. It makes me happy and feel good because, come on now, sharing is caring! Ok so I may be committing social media suicide here, but I'm ok with it for now. It's what 20 something's like me across the globe do. So count me in on this downward spiral! Are you in?
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