No Regrets

Some people will go through their lives looking back with massive amounts of regret. Regrets for things they did that they weren't proud of, regrets for things they wish they had done because they feel like they have missed out. I've learned to live my life without regret. I never want to look back. I only ever want to look forward. Every step I have taken in my past was a stepping stone to making me the woman I am today. I'm damn proud of the woman I've become! I have come up with a list of things I DON'T regret for one second that I have done in my life. Take a look, think about what it is that you've done in your life that you DON'T regret. Something you are so proud of yourself for accomplishing or doing. 

1) Going back to school for my associates degree

   I  used to tell people "I only have my associates degree." I said it to my best guy friend once and he scolded me. He told me it's a big deal that I even decided to go back to school in the first place and that I should be proud of myself for what I've accomplished. I've had my degree for almost 2 years now and am so happy to say that I did it on my own want and will!

2) Laughing till it hurt

   Let's face it, when you laugh you feel good. Who doesn't love that feeling of beautiful pain? I mean snort like a pig, gasp for air, while you hold your stomach or clap your hands while kicking your feet thinking "I may pee myself", it's the best! It's good for the soul.

3) Becoming close with my family

   I have a large family, immediate and extended. I have 4 older brothers and each of them are a different breed of an awesome human! I love them all so much it's kinda annoying! My parents always raised us saying that they weren't going to be around forever and that our siblings are all we will have in the world. Luckily, I still have my parents still, but even more so I'm lucky to have a close relationship with all 4 of my brothers! Not to mention the special relationship I have with my parents. My mom especially, you'll never meet a bigger mommy's girl! She's my absolute best friend! I may not be a daddy's girl, but I'm daddy's only girl...and proud of it! I am so blessed to have my nephews in my life too! Those boys are so special to me! They'll never understand the love I have for them! Embrace the family you have. Remember that they're just trying to be the best version of themselves as they know how! Once you realize that, the only thing you can do is love! 

4) Drinking less in the last 2 years

   A 2 day hangover is not the coolest thing since sliced bread. For real, you may not be able to move to even shower the smell of alcohol off of you, let alone eat a slice of bread! The best thing I've done for myself in the last 2 years has been slowing down on how much and often I drink! It's not just good for my liver, but the rest of my health, skin, and future! 

5) Removing toxic friends from my life

   We all have had them. They tell you what to do, where to go, who to talk to, how to dress, when to arrive or leave, and their problems will always outweigh yours! They're not good for you. Point blank period! They may have their moments of good times, being nice, and being your wing man or woman, but it's not worth your time if they won't listen and truly have your back for every last second of your life! People should never question why you're even friends with a person! It should just be seen how you compliment one another as each others partner in crime. I have to admit that I have had friends come and go in my life, it is beyond true when you're told that the true friends in your life will stick around, the ones who were never meant to be around will walk out. Some people are only meant to make an appearance in your life. 

6) Falling in love

   When I fall, I fall hard. I give my every last bit to the person I'm with. I have to admit that I've been in love a few times. Each time it's different than the last and most recently, it was stronger. If I love someone I say it. You should never hold back how you feel. You never know when it's your turn unless you take it! "You have to know your own heart and after that, risk breaking it."

7) Moving away from home/out of state

   This has come to be the happiest, most difficult thing I have done for myself! I left everyone and everything I knew to start a better life for myself! I'm grateful for the help I've received alone the way, but I made the choice to leave, I found the place, I saved the money, I left home. I did this! I have never been more proud of something I have done in my life! Taking chances sometimes has it's ups and downs, but the ups will always win over the downs!

8) Vacationing with friends

   Taking a family vacation is fun as a kid. Then you get older and it's no longer fun to share a hotel room with your siblings, or have to sit in the car with no leg room for hours on end! I have been fortunate to travel with a couple girls that I am happy to call great friends! A week away from family, work, life! It's just what this Dr. would prescribe! Find a place, go, live it up! Once you settle down and start your own family, it'll be much harder to get away to do something like this! 

9) Being THAT girl who takes a million pictures

   Our lives are never guaranteed! Why are you shying away from taking a picture? What if you got Alzheimer's or dementia and you couldn't remember your youth? Pictures you take along the way could be the one thing that could bring you back! Or better yet, why not show your kids or grand-kids the pictures of you when you were their age? I'd rather be able to look back and see all of the amazing places I've been, people I've met, and things I've done! It's a beautiful life you're given, photograph it! Remember it!

10) Being myself

   I have always been me. Plain and simple me! I do what I think is right, I make decisions like I'm supposed to. Sometimes I haven't made the best decisions or the right ones for that matter, but I've lived and I've learned. I've made mistakes but my life is that much more awesome because of the lessons I have learned! I act goofy when I feel the situation allows, I feel every emotion deeply, I laugh until I cry, I cry when I'm hurt, I stand tall (literally) and build my life up higher and greater with every day that I'm blessed with! If you can't be you, then you can't be happy! Learn to love yourself! It'll be the best gift you give yourself!

This is just a portion of the things in my life that I am so happy to share with you! If you ever feel like regretting something you said or did, just remember LIFE GOES ON!  :-)


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