To the Man Who...

It is more annoying than anything else to even deal with the dating world today. I realize that women are not innocent in their doings, but I must have a damn neon sign flashing above me that says "fool"! I'm beyond sick of trying to please anyone else and being nice by trying to reach out. It's not just me I see going through this unbelievable struggle. I have a handful of girlfriends who have to face these little boys too. There have been a dozen reasons that I have become just fed up with this bullshit! Therefore, I've written y'all a little something.

Part of me hopes some certain people read this to finally understand where some of us girls are coming from. Another part of me will honestly feel bad because it's calling them out (sort of) and I hate being mean. 
Oh well...Here it is!

First off guys, imagine you have a daughter. Imagine she ends up dating a man like you. Would you be happy with how your little girl (grown up or not) was just treated? No? Then change! Quit being inconsiderate assholes! 

To the man who... Ghosted out on her. All she needed was a simple, "I'm not interested" or whatever your reason was. Why make things any more complicated than they need to be?

To the man who... Got what he wanted. If that was all you wanted from her, you should have been honest when she asked instead of leading her on for half a year for your own sexual satisfaction! Then when you were done with her you made an excuse and ghosted. You think she's that stupid?

To the man who... Said you wanted to be friends... Who are you kidding? She doesn't want another friend. 

To the man who... Posts shit like "she's not wife material if..." If you like her you'll like everything about her! Don't be so closed minded and miss out on getting to know a good girl. So what if she enjoys going out with friends?

To the man who... Talks about the future with her like it's actually going to happen when you know damn well you're just saying it to say it. You have zero meaning to back it up. That's called false hope! Shame on you!

To the man who... Introduces her to his entire family. That is supposed to be a big deal! Does no one get that anymore? You brought her around them like she was going to be around for a while. You tricked her into believing you would be around for a while!

To the man who... Has all the time in the world to check her my story's and Snapchats but zero time to send a text back to her... Really? I hope you enjoy watching her life in pictures!

To the man who... Used her to cheat on your girlfriend. You lied about having one and never came out with the truth until she called you out. If you don't want people to know your shit, keep it all private, bro!

To the man who... Said exactly what she wanted to hear. You are a great actor. Now please move away and try your acting career. Your lies are so see through!

To the man who... Never said how he really felt. Why? You wasted so much time not being honest!

To the man who... Broke her heart. Maybe you had a legit reason, maybe you didn't. Maybe it was mutual. Maybe, just maybe, she might have broken yours too, in hopes that you would understand the hurt she was feeling!

To the man who... Didn't even think he had a shot. You never know until you at least try. Take a damn risk! The worst she can say is no!

To the man who... Never had the right timing. You lost your shot. Continuing to try would only be like running a never ending marathon!

I don't understand how any of this is acceptable in anyone's eyes! You're supposed to be men. Act like it! Don't act like some immature little boy who doesn't know what he wants. figure out who you are, what you want in this life and go out there and get it!

Don't you see what you're doing? She doesn't want just a one night stand at 30. She doesn't want to hear your lies. She... We... I just want you to really be who you say you are. Why is that so hard? I want to continue to believe in love, but when it has such a bad name and leaves a bad taste in your mouth, why would I?


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