Life's Little Lessons

The best advice I can ever give is from the major lessons I've learned in my 28, almost 29, years! I don't know everything about life, but I do know that the 10 things listed below have helped shape me into who I am today, and hopefully that means a better person. If you ever listen to a word I say, let it be this:

1.) Your parents, siblings, or any family for that matter... their problems, their pasts, their debts are not your own. Move forward with the freedom of not worrying about what holds them back. Don't let it hold you back. You are great. You just have to allow yourself to be.

2.) Go out. My God, just go out and have some fun will you? Go out, have a few drinks, or don't. Go out and dance like an idiot, sing terribly at karaoke, try something new, laugh at all of the extremely silly things you said between your friends. Hell, laugh at all the stupid things other people said to you and your friends. Stay up late and don't regret a second of it. No matter your age... Make memories! 

3.) Have a sense of pride. I am so serious... In everything that you do. Don't go out there begging for other people to help you succeed in your own life. Get out there and do it yourself. Don't you want to be able to tell your kids or grand kids that you tried to do something but it didn't work, but you tried again and you succeeded? When you fall down dust yourself off and get back up and do it all over again. Take pride in the fact that you're even trying. 

4.) Don't work yourself to death. Take time to travel. Take time to spend the money you make on life experiences or, if you're materialistic, the belongings you want. I'd rather be remembered for the memories I made over the hours I worked!

5.) Love... A lot. Love the family you have because it's the only one you get. Love the friends you have because they come and go in the blink of an eye. Love the ones who treat you like your the most amazing person in the world. Let's face it, you are! Don't be so afraid of the hurt that comes with the risk of loving people. The good is always going to outweigh the bad!

6.) You cannot plan everything out. People die, people fall in love, plans change, babies are born, jobs are lost or gained, dreams alter. Whatever you think it is you have so perfectly planned out, think again. Take it all in... Every change that comes your way. Enjoy it with one cautious eye open!

7.) Take care of yourself. Mentally and physically. You are the only you there is. You don't have to live the daggum fit life but go for a walk, take a bike ride, let some sunshine land on your skin. If you aren't happy with yourself, fix it. You're the only one who can. Others can only give you so much before they get torn down by your negativity. 

8.) Remove all toxins from your life. Whether it's negative friends or a bad habit, say goodbye to it. The best way to stay happy is to stay positive. It's too difficult to do so with people constantly bringing you down or whatever the excuse may be. Get with it y'all. You'll feel more free when you finally let go. 

9.) Don't give up. No matter who doesn't believe in you, how hard the struggle may be, how much pain you're in. Do not give in. It's easy to breakdown and give up. But when things are the hardest you learn who your true friends are, you learn how strong you can be, and the most beauty truly comes out of the worst of pains. You're a work in progress, understand that and embrace it. You will soar through to your successes if you just breathe and take one step at a time. Keep pushing yourself. The view from the top is gorgeous. You'll get there!

10.) Keep learning... About yourself, other people, your job, the world... Everything. Don't ever close yourself off from learning something new. There's so much beauty to see and things to do in this world that being closed minded would just be stupid. 

Take my word for it and you just might thank me later... Or maybe you'll just remember that you read it on a blog somewhere! 


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