Sometimes I... Part 3

If you haven't already gotten the hint that I'm somewhat of an out there kind of gal, then you clearly have not read my other "Sometimes I..." posts. Lately, when I find myself doing something obnoxious, I've taken note that I did it, jot it down in the notepad in my head and tuck it away for one more of these fun little posts!

Sometimes I... Eat raw garlic... Cloves of it. Gross right? WRONG! When I was younger, my dad always cooked with fresh garlic and while cutting it up he'd eat some of it. Naturally as I got older... well, like father like daughter! I love cooking with garlic! Yum!

Sometimes I... Catch myself in a daze. One of those ones where someone is snapping their fingers in front of your face to get you out of the day dream you've fallen so deeply into. I do it more often than I probably should. It's usually when I'm sleepy or I have a lot on my mind that I stare off into the distance and ignore every sound and action that takes place around me. I like to think I'm letting my imagination soar and creativity flow.

Sometimes I... Am really proud of myself because I am more willing to try new foods. Things I never thought in a million years I would put in my body! When I was 20 I tried caviar for the first time! It was like salty pop rocks. Sounds gross, but it was not that bad at all! Just in 2015 I have tried frog legs (people aren't lying, it tastes like chicken), trout, oysters (slimey, but not bad with cocktail sauce), and edamame! This makes me feel good! I know it makes my dad proud. He used to beg me to try new foods when I was a kid! Look at me now, pops!!

Sometimes I... Make mistakes. I am human. Because I've made mistakes in my life, it's allowed me to see people in a different light and realize that everyone makes mistakes and you cannot judge them for their past's. The past is the past. Learn from it and leave it there! 

Sometimes I... Forget to put on deodorant. Yes, it has happened once or twice. Quite possibly a few more times than that! I mean it's not like I'm smelly or something. I just told you I make mistakes, I'm human! Seriously...quit being so judgey!

Maybe this will be my last "Sometimes I..." post I publish, maybe not. If I continue to live my life as a goofball and not care about how weird y'all might view it to be, then I might be able to share more of the off the wall things that I do. I suppose you'll just have to keep your eyes peeled for it!


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