Dolly World

This is Dolly's world... I'm just livin' in it!

For the last, oh I don't know... Let's say, 4 or 5 years I have had it in not just my head, but in my heart, that I wanted to get a dog of my own. I didn't have one growing up, but all of my friends did. Then as I've become an adult, more and more people and friends I know have a dog. I've always been an animal person, but now... Now, I get to really embrace doggy motherhood. 

I knew for years that I wanted a Pomeranian. They're little. They're adorable. They're just little balls of fluff that I absolutely cannot resist!! I also knew from the start that I wanted a little female pup. Why, you may ask? Well because I knew exactly what I wanted to name the little fluffy puppy!

Dolly Parton

I have always liked Dolly's music and been a fan. Her life story, her adventure of getting to the place she is now at the beautiful age of 69, is so intriguing to me. She is classy, in my opinion beautiful, regardless of the work and makeup she has on or done. She isn't ashamed of who she is in the slightest bit. She is one smart, talented, and brave woman. 

Living in Tennessee, the state that Dolly Parton is from, makes me feel that much more confident in the decision I made to choose not only a name for the newest, and first member, the start of MY family... But a role model for myself! 

For about 6 months I have done research regarding a breeder in the middle Tennessee area. I wanted to make sure I was going to a good place, asking the right questions, and knew everything I needed to know, not just about buying a dog, but my first dog! 

When I found the perfect breeder, I went to visit her one night. She was state licensed and very open about everything. She was willing to answer any and every question I had. The ones I looked up to ask and the ones I was told to ask. She had two litters to choose from. She showed me a tiny, 6 day old solid chocolate pup that still had her eyes closed. She was so itty bitty, I felt like I was holding an egg!

Next she handed me a sable, 6 week old, little girl. This little thing licked the hell out of my chin. She was so damn loving and adorable! I set her down in front of a food dish and when she went to drink the water her back feet came up... Come on!!! That's so cute! 

When the breeder explained that sable was such a popular color and that chocolate Poms are harder to come by, I went into full "Just Like Jillian Mode"... 

Hmmm, not everyone will have a chocolate Pom? Hand me that microscopic nugget again please?

I held the newborn little girl once more, looked at the breeder and said "This is her. This is Dolly Parton!"

Since finding the perfect breeder and the even more perfect Pommy baby, I had 6 weeks to wait before I could take her home with me. Impatient would have been the perfect word to describe how I felt about waiting to bring her home. 

"Hey y'all! I'm Dolly Parton and I love snuggling, chewing on moms hair, my squeaker toys, giving kisses on people's noses, and my chicken stix. I respond well to my name and cause a big fuss like the real Dolly when I go out in public. People keep asking for my picture!"

She's no angel, she's a complete handful, just like a child. Since having her home with me, she's learned to sit and lay down and we're still working on the potty training.

In just a short period of time, I have fallen in love with this puppy. She makes me excited to wake up in the mornings. I'm still learning a lot but I'm one happy Pom mom!


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