Allow me to rewind a little bit so I can give you my end of 2015 recap! I have been on a never ending merry go round for the last two months and unable to write. Perhaps lack of motivation hit me... If the one thing I have learned in the last two years is to just do me, then damn it I believe it's time to start! One thing I have always loved was when my aunt would tell me that when I say I'm going to do something I do it. That's why she's always had such faith in me. It was right around the time that mom passed away that I just stopped caring. If you didn't like what I said, that was fine, you didn't have to. I never fell off the deep end (yet) and I wasn't hurting anyone... Not intentionally at least! I decided that doing the things I wanted to do needed to come first. Even if that meant missing a friends holiday party or making long drives alone. I wasn't going to put myself second, third, or even fourth anymore. In 2014, at Christmas time, I compil...