
Showing posts from November, 2016

How I Lived My First Year Without You

My whole world, the walls, the people, the days, they all crumbled down around me one year ago today. I sat by my mother's bedside for weeks and talked to her, held her hand, and prayed for her peace in passing. When she passed away one year ago my life stopped. It was like things were happening in snapshots. I'd blink and there would be a new person standing in front of me giving me their condolences. I'd blink and it would be another work day. I'd blink and I'm sitting on the edge of my bed staring at a bare wall. The only question I consistently asked myself for weeks after losing my mom was "How will I ever survive this life without her?" Well here I am, one extremely fast year later, able to tell you exactly how my days continued and how my mother lives on through me! The rest of November was a blur. Thanksgiving was terrible and I cried the whole day. December was difficult. I had the days where I would naturally breakdown and just lose it. That mo...