
Showing posts from February, 2015

Quote of My Day

"Stop trying to control everything and just let go" - Tyler Durden, Fight Club  Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden in Fight Club Let's face it, this is the hottest picture of Brad Pitt... Ever!  As for the quote, this is something I need to remember on a daily basis. I am someone who likes to have a plan and be in control of everything I possibly can be. Sometimes, you just have to remember that you just have to let go and let fate take it's course! 


Don't worry be happy No, seriously, drop the worries. When you find yourself stressing out about the things you have zero control over, you have got to learn to let it go I am still in the process of learning how to be free of the negative things in life that grab me by the hair and throw me down. Fortunately, over a year ago, I was informed of a silly little challenge online that is supposed to remind you every day that there is something in life worth being happy about! I did the challenge when told about it. For a little over 100 days I took a picture of something that made me happy. Some days it was the man I was dating, other days it was a meal I prepared, a candy bar, or me and a friend. I post the pictures to my Instagram page and overused the hashtags it's just one more thing that makes me happy! Recently I had found myself finding negative aspects of my days instead of positive so I decided to do the 100 Happy Days challenge again! Round two as I like to call it...